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Pickleball Leagues

Applications for League now being accepted

Leagues will be 8 weeks long.  The planned start is the second week in November. League Holidays on Thanksgiving Weekend and Winter Break. Please note,  CoEd means that both Men and Women are in the same league; it is not Mixed because the pairings will not always be one man and one woman


Spots are first come, first serve.  Members will be given first priority for spots until application deadline 11/2.


League Members are responsible for getting your own subs.  Sub will score 80% of his/her score earned. 

(Sub handicap applies even if a set team has one sub and one permanent player)


Members $20 Non-Members $180   

Fees pay for balls, court time, and refreshments for league end social.


Leagues are as follows:

Monday Women's 3.0+ 11am-1pm

Friday Coed Doubles 3.0+ 10:30am-12:30pm

Saturday Women's 3.5+ 2-4pm

Saturday Men's Singles 4-5:30pm

Saturday Mixed Fixed Partner (Must Register with a Partner) 6.5-7.5 Combined 5:30-7:30pm

Sunday CoEd 3.0-3.5 Doubles 2-4pm

Sunday Coed Skinny Singles 4-5:30pm

Sunday Men's Doubles 3.5+ 5:30-7:30pm

 Please follow the link to fill out the application


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